2007年4月18日 星期三

a friend to my life

Everyone needs friends. We know friends are so important to us. In our life friends are so good to us. They can talk with us, play with us, and help with us. They can do many things with us. And they can help us a lot. If in our life, no any one good friend, we must be feel lonely. Sometime, he maybe can’t help you anything, but he accompany with you.
Another example, I have a rest friend. His name is Johnny. I know him in my senior high school. He is very fanny. Sometime I feel very upset, he always make me feel happy. He is real so special and very nice. In my life he is so important to me. He always accompany with me. When I have trouble, he always helps and makes me happy. Although, he will never be back me, but now I still keep in touch with him by e-mail or MSN. I will tell him my entire thing, and also he is. I believe he and I will become good friends forever. For example a great man I want to talk is Albert Schweitzer. He helps many people in Africa. He use his life in help many people. He talks to those people just like talk to his friends. And those people make him to those friends. They communicate very easy and happy.


1. Trust men and they will be true to you. 相信他們,他們才會對你忠誠( 信人者人恆信之)2. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父親是寶藏,兄弟是安逸,但朋友兩者皆是。3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之友才是真友。4. A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二個自己。5. A friend is best found in adversity. 災難見真友。風雨故人來。6. A friend is proved in distress. 災難見真友。7. A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same. 朋友就是一位最能了解你,同樣關愛你的人8. A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. 朋友應該容忍朋友的缺點。9. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。10. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 與其袋中有錢,不如朝中有人。

2007年4月4日 星期三

A friend to my life

Everyone needs friends. We know friends are so important to us. In our life friends are so good to us. They can talk with us, play with us, and help with us. They can do many things with us. And they can help us a lot.
For example a great man I want to talk is Albert Schweitzer. He helps many people in Africa. He use his life in help many people. He talks to those people just like talk to his friends. And those people make him to those friends. They communicate very easy and happy.

A friend to my life

Everyone needs friends. We know friends are so important to us. In our life friends are so good to us. They can talk with us, play with us, and help with us. They can do many things with us. And they can help us a lot.
For example a great man I want to talk is Albert Schweitzer. He helps many people in Africa. He use his life in help many people. He talks to those people just like talk to his friends. And those people make him to those friends. They communicate very easy and happy.